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28 September 2006

Simon Casson at Long & Ryle Gallery

I first discovered Long & Ryle Gallery when I lived near Tate Britain back when it was just the plain old Tate. Is it just me, or does anyone else miss the old Tate? Anyway, the gallery occupies just one room with, what I can only assume, is a very large storage room downstairs. The first time I went in with my husband, they were exhibiting works by a Spanish painter called Ramiro Fernandez Saus. We bought a large oil painting and three small watercolors in about 15 minutes. I have been a huge fan of the gallery ever since. From 6 October to 11 November, Long & Ryle will be exhibiting works by Simon Casson. His paintings offer a contemporary twist on the staid western tradition of art. I love the way he deconstructs his formal images by swiping paint through them and disrupting the order of the canvas. Done solely in oil, this technique has a collage-like influence on the canvas. His drawing skills are masterful and his imagination is brilliant. I am really attracted to the combination of the old and new. With successful exhibits throughout North America and Europe to his credit, Casson is one to watch. Not sure at the starting price point, but the work I saw recently was £9,000. Check it out at


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