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05 October 2006

Berlin: Believe the Hype

After a whirlwind 36 hours in Berlin earlier this week, I can honestly say that I have not been this excited about the art world in a very long time. It is true what they say about Germany – this is where it is all happening right now. I had never been to Berlin before, but like most art market watchers, I have been reading about its quality and abundance of contemporary art for some years now. In my brief time there, I was not disappointed. I originally planned on attending Art Forum Berlin and working my way through the many galleries the city has to offer. After arriving, I realized that like many other large fairs, Art Forum Berlin had attracted a couple of smaller, emerging artist fairs. My favorite! So I skipped most of the galleries – most were closed anyway due to the fairs – and headed off to Art Forum Berlin, Berliner Liste 2006 and Preview Berlin: The Emerging Art Fair. The following posts are highlights (there are many of them) of the three fairs. Enjoy!


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